Monday, January 18, 2010

#128 - Unapologetic Teaching

In my life as a Christian (pretty much my whole life), I have heard so many people preach and teach that saying a prayer is enough....going to church on Sunday....being nice....following the 10's enough.

But lately I've been listening to some pastors / teachers who are teaching straight from the Bible and doing so unapologetically.

Examples? Here are 3 recent examples...all from different sources.

I listened to a sermon this morning that focused on a command we all break almost daily. "Do everything without complaining or arguing" - Philippians 2:14 We are to shine like stars in the different from the world...joyful...NOT complaining! I hate it when my children complain - how much more does God hate to hear me whining and complaining. If I ultimately believe God is in control, then what do I have to complain about?

At church last week, the sermon was titled "Being nice is not enough". The sermon was about passivity and how too often, we fail to speak truth when it is needed. This world needs leaders - even when it's not comfortable or culturally acceptable.

In another sermon I heard this week, the pastor spoke on divorce. He stated outright that he was not going to gloss it over, but preach straight from the Bible. Our current divorce-ridden culture needs to hear sermons like these preached!

This Christianity thing isn't a game. Jesus is not someone nice we can add to our lives. I'm learning that this is about eternity, and God is asking me if I'm in or out. All or nothing.

I'm thankful for the people who are speaking truth, regardless of how it will be received.


Nellie Dee said...

Hey Jill,
Was wondering what happened to you. Was it something I said?
I read a poem this morning entitled Sermons We See and the one line that really stuck out for me was "and the lectures you deliver may be very wise and true, but I'd rather get my lesson by observing what you do."
I've been pondering this dilemna for months now and I do know it's important to speak the truth in love but I also know that noone really needs to have their sins pointed out because that's like pouring salt in the wounds. I really don't know what purpose a particular behavior is serving in someone's life. The Holy Spirit has to heal the source of the pain before a body is empowered to give up the addiction.
Just some thoughts.
But, I also tried to find you and posted a message to you on my blog.
God bless you.

Grandma Dee Dee said...

Amen sister!!!
We need to be a living example of what God has called us to be. The Bible is truth. Being a child of our living God is not a game. He wants all of us.All the time.
I have been singing to myself all day the hymn-
Trust and Obey for there is no other way!!!!
Thanks for sharing the 3 examples.

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