Monday, November 16, 2009

#89 - Meaningful Traditions

We went to the mall yesterday after church. I was shocked to see Santa was already there and people were lined up to see him. I immediately had the thought...."I'm so glad we never started that tradition."

I remember wondering what to do with the whole Santa thing when Sydney was born. I'm not against Santa, but I didn't want him to be the focus of Christmas. We decided to do nothing and see what happened.

It seems like we tell the story of Santa, but both girls know it's just a story. And we focus on the gift of Jesus....NOT the gifts Santa bring us. I don't want Christmas to be about's about Christ - plain and simple.

So I'm thankful we don't stand in line and tell Santa what we want for Christmas. It seems greedy and meaningless. "I want, I, me, me"

The girls' journal entries.... night and my grandparents and the dentist (we had pizza last night and we are going to the dentist this morning)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! We didn't play the Santa game with our kids either -- except that I told them Saint Nicholas was a real person who gave gifts to the poor, and that's where the story of Santa Clause came from. We never had any problem with this; they always knew the truth. I do think we've flooded our kids with way too many things though; wish I had kept a better balance in that aspect.

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